Never Despise Experiences That Teach You

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We have been taught that 'staying' makes you stronger. It could be a bad job or an awful relationship, but it seems to be the people that 'stick it out' are highlighted as having more resilience.

This is wrong.

A great quote I heard from Miss Lauryn Hill says 'never desire experiences that teach you'. This for me is an amazing statement to hold on to especially when you fall into any form of regret.
What are humans without experiences - they make is! I know many of you can coming me when I say things can get pretty rough every now and again. However one thing that I can say is you have a choice - a choice to either allow the experience to define you or to use the wisdom gained in new experience. People have let us all down, there are people that I leaned on 100% that moved away when I let it all loose, and in the same breath, I am sure we may have let people down too. This doesn't make us weak or make us disloyal especially if you learn from it.
Too many people attribute walking away from something as a sign of weakness. As a sign that 'you're not willing to ride through it all'.
You don't have to be a fool - you know full and well what it feels like to be appreciated, and you also know when undue advantage is being taken.

I have held on to toxic situation with two hands, I rode the waves, fell in the ocean, got back up - with nothing to show. It didn't get better. I became sadder and the emotional effect was detrimental to my mindset.

Now I am a big believer in service - serving people, being an ear, giving my all and devoting myself without expectation of anything in return. BUT as they say 'do not set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm'.

Learn to love you.
Learn to trust you.

I used to fear being a bit selfish, I would just give and give, all in the aid of being a nice person but once I learned to love me, it all became easier!

Never trade yourself in for the gratification of others.
See the value in being you!

Priscilla Oshunremi

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